Monday, November 19, 2012

Bread and circuses

Despite all the frauds committed in the name of politics, despite being deceived by these so called politicians, people never stops believing that someone among the same politicians, playing the same dirty game, being the real cause behind most of the troubles, will somehow help them and get them out of trouble. How long will it take for these people to realize that no so called "leader" will clean the mess for them. Haven't they seen enough throughout the history? Man is selfish by nature and even his social interaction is not without a reason. A politician will always look for his personal gains instead of cleaning up things for other. He only needs fools to bring him into power and that's it. Once in power, he don't need those fools anymore! We almost have a blind faith in an extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men, for nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of us all. Perhaps because we are programmed, not to think out of the box. As far as I know the Roman empire didn't have state police like the Gestapo or the KGB, nor even the FBI or CIA. Maybe that's why Spartacus was able to instigate his uprising. Rome had its working formula: bread and circuses, and the civus romanus kept quiet while the Legions abroad did whatever the caesars wanted. The NWO seems to have rediscovered Rome's formula: today we have Bread -- so far so good -- and Circuses, like the media and disneylands. As long as those two 'mamelles' of society function, the rest of the world can go to hell. And that's what happens: on the ruins of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, soon Iraq and-who's-next, the bread and infernal duo of circuses and conquest endorsed by the new empire will go on. The revolts of the future will not try to kill through terror or war. Loss of life doesn't impress the empire and the masses become accustomed to living under the virtual menace of death. The new revolts will strike mostly the sources of economy and circuses. 

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